Payment Options accepts all major credit cards and Paypal payments. In the event your credit card is declined, we will inform you via email and ask that you place your order again with a new card. Your credit card will be charged on the day you place your order for goods or services. The charge will appear on your credit card or Paypal statement as “Happy Black Woman.”
Payment Plans
Many of our programs offer a convenient payment plan option where your investment can be split into multiple payments. After the initial payment, subsequent payments are automatically debited from your account every 30 days until the balance has been paid. For example, if you make a purchase and choose the payment plan on March 1, your credit card will be charged for the next payment on March 31 and so on.
Refund Policy for Live and Virtual Events
Event tickets are NON-REFUNDABLE, but fully transferable to another person if you can no longer attend. Just email our support team at with the contact information for the new attendee and we’ll transfer the ticket.
Refund Policy for Online Courses and Programs
Our downloadable online programs are NON-REFUNDABLE. Refunds will not be granted under any circumstances.
Refund Policy for Individual and Group Coaching Programs
Enrollment in any of the coaching programs on constitutes a NON-CANCELLABLE agreement. There are absolutely NO REFUNDS and you are legally and financially responsible for the full tuition of the program in which you are enrolled, regardless of whether you actually participate or show up for your coaching and mentoring sessions.
Refund Policy For Memberships
Memberships are NON-REFUNDABLE, paid in full annually with one payment OR billed to your credit card on file every 30 days.
Refund and Return Policy for Physical Products
Physical products sold by are NON-REFUNDABLE, except in the case of damage or defect. In the unlikely event that you receive a damaged or defective item, please send an email to within 30 days of the date you received your item(s) for information on how to return the item for a refund or exchange.
Sales Tax and Shipping
All physical products shipped from will be subject to sales tax, applicable in accordance with the tax code of the state and city to which the order will be shipped. Tax is estimated at the time an order is placed and a final calculation of the actual sales tax will be reflected in your order confirmation email. All shipping charges uses standard shipping rates for domestic and international shipping. Please check the final pricing on the product checkout page when you make your selection.
Payment and Shipping Confirmation
Upon checkout, an email will be sent to you with a copy of your order. If you have purchased a physical product, you will receive an additional email to confirm shipment of your order. If you have any questions about your order status, please contact us at
Chargebacks and Payment Security
When you provide with your credit card information for payment on your account, we shall be authorized to charge your credit card for any outstanding fees. If you sign up for a payment plan to make monthly payments on any product, program or service, Happy Black Woman shall be authorized to run all charges on or around the time they are due and not require separate authorization in order to do so.
You are fully responsible for any fees associated with recouping payment on chargebacks and any fees associated with the payment collection process. Further, you may not change any of the credit card information provided to Happy Black Woman without notifying us in advance.
Chargebacks are in violation of your purchase agreement and are out of integrity with our values here at Happy Black Woman. If you have an issue with a charge to your credit card from Happy Black Woman, please contact us at
If you have any questions about our sales and refund policies, please contact us at Thank you!